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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Two men a boat and fishing.

As the sun was setting one evening as it always does.... I and khush(wife ) were sitting at Marine drive and see the setting sun. The weather was perfect and we could see this lonely boat with two men in it fishing. wish I could do something like this. Would be very adventurous. Come to think I actually do something like this. Only think I dont fish and the boat is a ship. I always respect this fishermen who go out in the sea and catch lovely fishes and sell them to eat. No wonder sea food is so expensive.
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This is My wife's cat. Appropiately named Batman. My wife would love to see this pic on the blog. That is if she ever reads it here. My mother in law was not well so I and my wife were there to take care of her. In the afternoon the cat and me had nothing to do so as we both stared into nothing Ithought that it would be worthwhile to capture the moment.
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Since I have put up so many flowers thought I add this one too. Well this is not clicked from my usual camera and actually I clicked it from my Cell phone. If I blow up the picture it may not look good. Should I buy a phone with a better camera. I dont know. Anyways I like the colours very serene.
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Blloming Lily

This one was yet to bloom and as seen is in the process. It feels as if you are travelling into another dimension. Currently its My facebook profile picture.
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Flower from mu Moms Garden

Clicked this picture in the house garden. I just wish I didnt have the grills in the background. Then again I could photoshop it and make it look better, But I didnt want to do that. The colours are nice and vibrant and makes me feel very peaceful. Well this is not the only shot that I clicked so I will post a few others too. I am blogging after a long time. Makes me feel good
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Flower Shower

My very experimental picture of capturing the Flower wtih water sprinkled over it. I just love the outcome of the picture very soothing to the eyes and brings a lot of peace to my mind when i see it
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Monday, March 23, 2009

Goa, A place where people go to lie down on the beach rest and have fun with themselves. Well when walking through the architecture of the Old Goa church my Fiance couldnt help noticing the composition of the picture. And then I immidiately captured it. This picture will make a great wall paper.